We have received a photograph of Edward William Selsby (see below). He was a victim of the WW1 carnage and is commemorated on our village War Memorial.

Unfortunately, the History Club no longer meets but there are still a few of us who are interested in the Village and its residents (Past and Present). If you have any queries that you would like us to try and answer, please leave a message.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am inquiring to see if anyone has historical records related to Finningham home/land sales in the 1500 to 1600’s range.
I am searching for a property referenced in a 1637 Hawstead, Suffolk will of Thomas Page in which he leaves two tenements in Finningham to a son named John Page. I would like to determine when and how the properties entered and exited ownership of my Page family.
I suspect some of my Page family comes from Walsham le Willows, but, DNA testing shows that there is a Page branch with a different DNA lineage.
If anyone could provide any insights, it would be appreciated.
Christopher Page
Rogers, Arkansas, USA
E-Mail: cspage@cox.net
Hello Christopher, I shall make some enquiries. I drive through Hawstead each day on a school bus .
Regards, Ian Armstrong
Are there any local history books about Finningham , going back to medieval times ? who were the lords of the manor etc .
Hello Mr Langman, I don’t think there are any books that fit your description. I know of no better source for Finningham’s history than that which is available on Wikipedia. I will let you know if I find more useful information.
Ian Armstrong
Dear History Circle
My family have connections with Finningham, According to the 1841/51/61 census records William Williams ( b1801) lived in 27 Church Street, was married to Mary, and had at least 9 children, including Richard- born in 1833 and my direct ancestor. They were all agricultural labourers, and had workhouse connections too- Hartismere. I wondered if there was anyone who might help me in my search for them. There seems to be no grave in St Bartholomews. I would really like to know a bit more about Church Street too.
Please excuse the delay in replying to your enquiry. There is no longer a Church Street in Finningham, just a Church lane which is not long enough to have 27 houses in it. This is not unusual, as the streets and roads often change their names in those days. I am intrigued to read that “there seems to be no grave in St Bartholomew’s” How do you know that? Have you seen the grave map? I shall dig it out and see what I can find. I shall also enrol the help of our local historian, who may be able to add to your information. Best regards,
Tony Kilbee Webmaster
Hello Mat,
I have only just stumbled across this website so this is a very late reply! I am a descendent of the Williams family through my great grandmother Laura Williams (Richard’s youngest sister) I have a little information from the Suffolk record office and some recalled by some distant cousins but not very much. Happy to compare notes if you wish?
Hello Finningham Local History Circle
I’m helping a friend with family history. Does anyone know about a very kind family in Finningham who fostered two children, a girl aged 4 and a boy aged 2, from an orphanage in the East End of London in the later 1920’s and early 1930’s? The little boy was my friend’s father. He remembered the years in Finningham as the happiest time of his childhood.
Hi there,
I came across this, when viewing the history circle page. I am a WW1 historian. If it is a cyclist badge, it may be the Suffolk Cyclist (who split from the Essex/Suffolk cyclists in 1912). This was Territorial unit, who were encouraged to volunteer for overseas service in WW1.
Hope tha helps.
Hello – I’m trying to find out about William Frost who is born in Finningham in about 1815. He marries a lady from Gislingham called Harriet in about 1835. They live in Finningham and I have found them on the census of 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871 and 1881, probably on Walsham Road, perhaps near Rob Hall and know about their family going forward. What I haven’t been able to discover is who William’s parents or what date he’s born or baptised and when he marries. If you’re able to help that would be grand.
I have just come across your website. I am the granddaughter of Edward William Selsby and the photograph you have of him does not match the one I have and believe to be him.
I would be interested to know the source of the photograph.
We have done quite a bit of research about grandad but, as he never spoken about by my grandmother, we know little and have very confusing stories from websites. My mother was 3 months old when he was killed.
I shall check with the Local History Group and let you know.
It seems that the photo we have published as Edward William Selby was sent to us by Audrey Brewster on 27th Oct 2017. This was preceded by an e-mail to our Parish Clerk in October 2016. the content is as follows: Dear Miss Natailie Hill, My name is Mr Edward Selsby. could you please tell me who is your Church Parson,or have you his/her email address, you could email me. The SELSBY family have found a photo of Edward William SELSBY who lived in Finningham and who was killed in the First World War. The Selsby family Bible was found in Australia and have been returned to the UK. I would love to email to the Parson in charge of the Finningham Church a photo of my Grand dad before the 11th of November. Thanking you Mr Edward G Selsby of Stowupland
Thank you for your information. As the photo was sent to you by my cousin it would seem to be of Edward Selsby, my grandfather. I am now left wondering as to the identity of the soldier I have .
Dear Jane Snape ,
I am currently researching a project around the Roll of Honour and have done some work on the Selby family. I have used the photo shown but don’t know its source. I would like to share information if that’s possible.
Hi Jane. Do you think this might be Harold Selsby? The cap badge looks more like the Cyclist Corps (Harold) than the Border Regiment (Edward) but it’s hard to say.